Major and Minor
The step between each note below is a half:
C C#(Db) D D#(Eb) E F F#(Gb) G G#(Ab) A A#(Bb) B C
Steps in Major and Minor
S: a half step
T: a whole step
E: one and a half step
Steps in Major: TTSTTTS
Steps in (Natural) Minor: TSTTSTT
Steps in Harmonic Minor: TSTTSES (introducing the tension resolution sound. Create a leading tone.)
Steps in Melodic Minor: TSTTTTS (eliminates the gap while keeping the leading tone sound.)
E Major: E F# G# A B C# D#
C Major: C D E F G A B
Piano Piece / Sheet
The Treble Clef:
The Bass Clef:
C scale:
Circle of fifths: (source: C major - Wikipedia)
More at How To Read Sheet Music: Step-by-Step Instructions